Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Treatment underway!

We arrived in Melbourne yesterday afternoon after an uneventful flight and spent the afternoon getting our bearings and settling in. Cooper had a fantastic night sleep and enjoyed the adventure of the tram ride into the city.

This morning we had a consultation at HyperMED and then got straight into the Hyperbaric chamber for treatment. Cooper was scheduled for one 2 hour session in the morning and one in the afternoon. After being slightly unsettled to begin with Cooper handled the time really well and even managed a sleep at the end of the second session. We hope that tomorrow, now that he knows what to expect, he will be a lot more relaxed for both sessions.

The chamber is fairly small but reasonably comfortable for the two hours slots. We are scheduled for another two 2 hours sessions tomorrow, and then upping it to three 2 hours sessions on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday it will be back to two 2 hours sessions but Cooper will begin Lokomat therapy as well.

Morning session with Mummy

Afternoon session with Aunty

Thanks for your support. We'll update again soon.



  1. Look at you guys!!! Hope it is all going amazingly well. Love to lil' Coops. xx

  2. Wow!! You all are so amazing!! Lots of hugs and kisses from us!!!
