Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cooper's New Wheelchair!

Apologies for not posting any updates on the blog for a while.  We had a rather hectic three months leading up to Xmas.  Cooper got sick numerous times following the trip to Melbourne as did the whole family.  In addition the landlord was selling the house we were renting so needed to find another place to live.  Thankfully we found a great house and moved in just before Xmas.  The place is fantastic and very suitable for Cooper who has just started using his new wheelchair (the smallest and only one of its kind in the country) and after two weeks he has already shown great progress.  This new found independence has given Cooper a massive boost psychologically and is now building strength in his arms. I am hoping that when he starts daycare in a couple of weeks time he will feel more confident joining the other kids and doing activities.  We are off to Melbourne again next week for 6 days of treatment for Cooper so will update again when we get back!