Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 9 of Therapy at Hypermed!

After 9 days of therapy I have to say Cooper is doing very well coping with such a full on schedule.  We are averaging now 4 hours of Oxygen and 1 hour of Lokomat walking  per day.  Cooper is exhausted by the afternoon and so are we!   If I never have to watch Toy Story, Elmo and the Wiggles again I will be happy!

I have to say I think Cooper is enjoying the Lokomat much more.  Every patient starts off air walking to get their body used to it before they use stirrups to flex their foot in a standing position due to spasticity in their legs.  Cooper was able to lightly touch the treadmill with his feet today and showed no signs of spasticity or clonus which is tightening or shaking of the legs and common in para/quadriplegics and can be described as someone either having high or low tone of which Cooper is low tone.  Cooper seems to be coping very well with this and keeps checking himself out in the mirror.... a trait that runs in the family!!!

Until next time...

The Pulinis xxx


  1. Ha ha! Well he is a Pulini and we all love a mirror!
    So good to see his smiling little face.
    Oh and ditto on Toy Story!
    Love you guys

  2. These pictures bring a smile to my face. Cooper looks great and what an awesome brother Tyler is.
